Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Own Understanding of "I and Thou"

I come across this phrase sometime ago, I'd just ignore it. After watching so many movies and hearing inspirational stories. One time I heard my friend saying I and thou philosophy of Martin Buber. In my mind I said 'I need to research that on the net'. And I did.

My favorite lines of Buber:

Through authentic relationships with our fellow men and women, we come to know the eternal Thou -- God.

He believes that truth, meaning, and redemption are found in solidarity with other people.

"All real living is meeting (11)."
"If you hallow this life you meet the living God (79)"

"He who loves a woman, and brings her life to present realization in his, is able to look in the Thou of her eyes into a beam of the eternal Thou (86)."

Below are the links that I encountered:

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