Friday, June 21, 2013

Malunggay Juice Recipe

1   1 cup of malunggay leaves
1 can pineapple juice but I prefer fresh pineapple maybe two slices.
carrots thinly slice
blend them together until smooth 

Malunggay Juice is a juice that brings excellent medical benefits. It is said that it can cure many sicknesses if you take a glass of Malunggay juice ever morning when you wake up. It helps to increase the body resistance and immune system.
The Ingredients needed for Filipino Malunggay Juice are:
5 cups malunggay leaves
2 pcs pandan leaves
10 cups water
15 pcs calamansi
sugar to taste
A Typical way to prepare the Malunggay juice (drink) is:
At first you boil the malunggay leaves and pandan in 10 cups water for approximately 10 minutes. Squeeze 15 calamansi and then add in and finally sweeten the juice with sugar or honey according to taste. Serve the juice cold.

Prevention is better than cure. happy drinking!

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