Monday, June 24, 2013

Benefits of Smiling

You’ve heard it before – it takes 43 muscles to frown and only 17 to smile. Sounds like an easier job to turn that frown upside down? There’s more to smiles – over the years, research has shown that by smiling you can inadvertently improve your health, change your mood for the better, and even influence others to feel good about themselves! To put a smile on your face, we present you these five benefits.

1. It’s a stress relief

When you smile, endorphins and serotonin are released. The combination of both helps to counteract and diminish the stress hormones, helping you feel more relaxed. So the next time you find yourself in a pull-your-hair-out moment, take a breather, smile, and you’ll soon realize that things are not that bad after all.

2. Smiling enhances your mood
Notice how you smile when you’re having a good day? Or are you having a good day because you’re smiling? Whichever it is, it has been shown that the endorphins that are released when you’re smiling do more than just keep stress at bay. As natural pain relievers, endorphins help to lift your mood, making you feel good about yourself as well as the moment you’re in. It’s the very reason why we can’t help but smile when thinking of good thoughts!

3. Smiling keeps the doctor away
Your stress reduced, your mood enhanced – it’s no wonder why you’re feeling better about yourself and healthier these days! When you smile, your body naturally relaxes. When you are in a relaxed state, your immune system works better and is able to function optimally, helping to fight off colds and flu. At the same time, by relaxing your mind when smiling, you are also lowering your blood pressure. So do things that you enjoy – whether it is playing with your pup or having a scoop of ice cream – and smile bad health away!

4. It helps generate positive thoughts

Try to do this: Think about bad things with a smile. Not possible, right? It’s a simple reason why – when you smile, your body automatically sends a feel-good signal, which leads to a positive state of mind. Smile and attract all that is positive!

5. It makes you more approachable
Nobody likes to be face-to-face with a grouch. In fact, we all try to avoid that grump in the office or within our circle of friends! So do everyone a favor and smile – this sends out the message that you are friendly and approachable. In fact, it can come in handy at the office: People like to surround themselves with you, they like dealing with you, and as a result, make you stand out among others! Your boss is sure to notice this friendly factor that will put you ahead of the race for a promotion. And need we remind you how a smile can also make you more approachable to the opposite sex? Try it the next time you’re out with a group of friends!

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