Thursday, August 22, 2013
6 essential ingredients for a long, happy marriage
A good marriage starts with a spark that grows with careful attention to its needs. The following essential ingredients have been an important part of our almost 30 year marriage. Without them, I don’t think we could have managed the trials that have come and will continue to come our way.
Always hold hands — even when you’re at odds with each other
I remember the exhilaration I felt the first time my husband and I held hands. This simple gesture confirmed he loved me as much as I loved him.
After almost 30 years of marriage, we’re still holding hands. I love my husband more than the day we married and can’t imagine not having his hand in mine — in the car, during walks, watching a movie, when we pray, shopping and when and wherever we are.
Hold your spouse’s hand. It’ll warm your hearts.
Do what you can to look and feel good for yourself and your spouse
Remember dating? We picked out our best clothes and shoes. Every single hair was in place. We smelled great, looked great and felt great. And we did it all for our date. Then marriage and life stepped in and some of us let ourselves go.
I often think about this. I’m guilty of letting myself go. How do I know? I decided to take better care of my health. Statistically, based on our family genetics, I’m nearing the end of my life due to diabetes, heart disease and cancer. None of these have manifested in me, but to keep them away, I’ve decided to take better care of myself. You can follow this process at my blog.
I hadn’t realized the state of my body until I lost weight. In my mind I’m still in my 20s. I feel better, look better and, even though our marriage didn’t seem in any danger, my husband and I see and feel the difference. His, now, regular comments, once almost forgotten, have told me he likes the changes.
Plan a date with your spouse and take some time to get ready for it. You might feel 10 or 20 years younger.
Don’t point
Many times, when I berated my husband for his faults, I accomplished nothing but to anger him. He didn’t change and we were at odds. I began to wonder if I had made a mistake in marrying him. I didn’t want our marriage to end, but I didn’t know how to find the joy that belonged with our love.
A really good friend advised me to point the finger at myself. If I changed, he would change and, most likely, in the ways needed. I tried this and our marriage is stronger, tighter and more joyful. I also learned those little things that didn’t change are part of him and I discovered I didn’t want those parts lost to me.
Now, when I’m thinking about pointing, I remember when I point at him, my remaining fingers are pointing at me.
Kiss when you separate, when you meet, when you get home, before exiting the car — whenever it feels right. There is nothing as reassuring as the reminder of your spouse’s love through a kiss.
I remember our first kiss. I knew he loved me. I knew he was mine (I told him forever). I still know this. Even when it’s a quick peck as he leaves for work in the morning.
Always start and end with a kiss, even if it’s in public.
Have fun together
My husband is an automotive technician. I am an animal lover. He collects cars, I collect animals. It’s not been easy to see eye to eye in our collections. Over time I’ve grown to enjoy our car talks and the times he’s shown me how to fix them and he has fallen in love with most of the animals I’ve brought home.
As our children have grown older and we spend more time together outside the home, we’ve learned to enjoy nature together. Walks in the Everglades, trail rides in his Discovery, photography and walks along the beach. In the past these activities didn’t often involve both of us and the children. Now the children join as often as their schedules allow.
Check out your spouse’s hobbies and job. Look for things to do together and have fun. You may fall in love again.
I love you
Right along with always holding hands and kissing as often as possible is saying, thinking and writing on little notes, "I Love You."
My husband said these words to me while dating. I didn’t reply. He asked why and I told him I didn’t want to say, "I Love You," unless he knew what I meant. We discussed the meaning of these three important words. He learned when I say, "I Love You," I mean forever and not only for yesterday or today. I love him not only for the joy he has brought, but also for the challenges that have matured us and the growth we’ve done together and will continue in the future.
Consider adding these essential ingredients to your marriage. Discuss them with your spouse and you may strengthen and add years to your union.
Dennise Sleeper
I've been married for almost three-years now. These served as reminders for me. Simple yet effective to have a lasting happy marriage.
Always hold hands — even when you’re at odds with each other
I remember the exhilaration I felt the first time my husband and I held hands. This simple gesture confirmed he loved me as much as I loved him.
After almost 30 years of marriage, we’re still holding hands. I love my husband more than the day we married and can’t imagine not having his hand in mine — in the car, during walks, watching a movie, when we pray, shopping and when and wherever we are.
Hold your spouse’s hand. It’ll warm your hearts.
Do what you can to look and feel good for yourself and your spouse
Remember dating? We picked out our best clothes and shoes. Every single hair was in place. We smelled great, looked great and felt great. And we did it all for our date. Then marriage and life stepped in and some of us let ourselves go.
I often think about this. I’m guilty of letting myself go. How do I know? I decided to take better care of my health. Statistically, based on our family genetics, I’m nearing the end of my life due to diabetes, heart disease and cancer. None of these have manifested in me, but to keep them away, I’ve decided to take better care of myself. You can follow this process at my blog.
I hadn’t realized the state of my body until I lost weight. In my mind I’m still in my 20s. I feel better, look better and, even though our marriage didn’t seem in any danger, my husband and I see and feel the difference. His, now, regular comments, once almost forgotten, have told me he likes the changes.
Plan a date with your spouse and take some time to get ready for it. You might feel 10 or 20 years younger.
Don’t point
Many times, when I berated my husband for his faults, I accomplished nothing but to anger him. He didn’t change and we were at odds. I began to wonder if I had made a mistake in marrying him. I didn’t want our marriage to end, but I didn’t know how to find the joy that belonged with our love.
A really good friend advised me to point the finger at myself. If I changed, he would change and, most likely, in the ways needed. I tried this and our marriage is stronger, tighter and more joyful. I also learned those little things that didn’t change are part of him and I discovered I didn’t want those parts lost to me.
Now, when I’m thinking about pointing, I remember when I point at him, my remaining fingers are pointing at me.
Kiss when you separate, when you meet, when you get home, before exiting the car — whenever it feels right. There is nothing as reassuring as the reminder of your spouse’s love through a kiss.
I remember our first kiss. I knew he loved me. I knew he was mine (I told him forever). I still know this. Even when it’s a quick peck as he leaves for work in the morning.
Always start and end with a kiss, even if it’s in public.
Have fun together
My husband is an automotive technician. I am an animal lover. He collects cars, I collect animals. It’s not been easy to see eye to eye in our collections. Over time I’ve grown to enjoy our car talks and the times he’s shown me how to fix them and he has fallen in love with most of the animals I’ve brought home.
As our children have grown older and we spend more time together outside the home, we’ve learned to enjoy nature together. Walks in the Everglades, trail rides in his Discovery, photography and walks along the beach. In the past these activities didn’t often involve both of us and the children. Now the children join as often as their schedules allow.
Check out your spouse’s hobbies and job. Look for things to do together and have fun. You may fall in love again.
I love you
Right along with always holding hands and kissing as often as possible is saying, thinking and writing on little notes, "I Love You."
My husband said these words to me while dating. I didn’t reply. He asked why and I told him I didn’t want to say, "I Love You," unless he knew what I meant. We discussed the meaning of these three important words. He learned when I say, "I Love You," I mean forever and not only for yesterday or today. I love him not only for the joy he has brought, but also for the challenges that have matured us and the growth we’ve done together and will continue in the future.
Consider adding these essential ingredients to your marriage. Discuss them with your spouse and you may strengthen and add years to your union.
Dennise Sleeper
I've been married for almost three-years now. These served as reminders for me. Simple yet effective to have a lasting happy marriage.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Health Benefits of Drinking Tomato Juice
Tomato is one of the most common and famous vegetable that can
be grown even in the backyard. The small red tomatoes are useful in the kitchen
and abound with many health benefits. There are many inspired tomato dishes
that helps promote a healthy well being. Tomatoes can also be used as a sauce
to many fried dishes. They are one of the usual ingredients in salads and in
A tomato when made as a juice is a healthy and nutritious drink
too. It helps the body in many ways. They contain lycopene, lycopene in
tomatoes are the ones responsible for giving this vegetable its red color.
Tomatoes are said to have an antioxidant and cancer fighting properties. It
also helps to protect the cells and other body organs from damages. The
antioxidant in tomatoes delays the aging process and helps prevent age related
diseases like diabetes and prevents the hardening of the arteries. The lycopene
in tomatoes is said to be an effective tool to combat certain kinds of cancers
which includes breast, lung and pancreatic cancer.
Drinking tomato juice daily will give the body ample vitamins
and minerals which include vitamins A and C. Vitamins A & C strengthens the
body’s immune system, it also improves the vision and prevents glaucoma and
other ocular diseases. Vitamin A and C also gives healthy bones and
teeth. Tomato juice also helps prevents inflammation of the joints making this
juice good for people who are suffering from arthritis.
Drinking tomato juice can also help in the prevention of high
cholesterol. It is rich in fiber which helps break down bad cholesterol in the
body. Tomato has niacin which helps stabilize body cholesterol.
The Vitamin B6 content of tomato juice helps prevent the blood
vessel from being damage which usually is the cause of heart disease. It breaks
down harmful molecules to protect blood clots. Regular intake of tomato juice
will reduce the chances of heart attack. People who drink tomato juice
regularly will reduce the risk of getting cancer, heart disease, bone diseases
and other degenerative diseases. A glass of tomato juice a day is often
recommended for people who are suffering from heart disease and people who are
recovering from heart attacks. Tomato juice when taken helps to lower blood
pressure because of the potassium it contains. Potassium is an essential
mineral that the human body needs to reduce depression and body weakness. Low
potassium can sometimes cause stomach ache and muscle cramps. Since tomatoes
are rich in potassium, a glass a day helps prevent cramps and stomach ache.
Another surprising benefit of drinking tomato juice is its
ability to aid in weight loss. Unknown to many, tomato juice is helpful in
losing weight. Studies have found out that drinking tomato juice helps in
weight loss. It flushes out the body’s toxin and helps shed that unwanted
pounds quick. Tomato juice diet gives the body nutrients and calories which are
essential for metabolic process. Tomatoes are low in sodium and high in dietary
fiber that is an important factor for the body to properly function. Its fiber
helps regulate bowel movement and prevents constipation. It keeps the liver
healthy and functioning well. Since tomatoes are naturally rich in water, it
helps the body hydrated even after strenuous exercise.
Tomato juice also helps in caring for the skin. It reduces acne
and gets rid of pimple infection fast. Tomato juice helps in the prevention of
skin breakout and helps prevents pimple and tightens skin pore. Since tomatoes
are a good source of vitamin A, it is good for hair growth and helps keep hair
strong and shiny.
Men who are fond of drinking tomato juice enjoy its good
effects. It helps improve appetite and also aids in good digestion. Alcoholics
and people recovering from alcohol hang over can drink tomato juice to get rid
of its effects.
Diabetics can take tomato juice too because of its many
nutritional properties. People who have kidney stones and gall stones should
take it because it works as a natural antiseptic and helps the body to develop
common infection like colds and flu. It is also good in the prevent diarrhea.
To add to the many benefits tomato juice gives, it is also rich in Vitamin K,
which is good in protecting the heart and the bones, B1 converts blood
sugar into energy, B2 promotes growth, iron carries oxygen into the cells
of the body. These vitamins and minerals are necessary for the human body to be
healthy and to function well.
These benefits will work best if drinking tomato juice is done
daily and over a period of time. Drinking tomato juice on a regular basis will
pose no side effects even when they are taken in large quantity. Try it for
yourself and see the results over time.
Left Brain vs Right Brain
Understanding the Myth and Reality of Left Brain and Right Brain Dominance
Have you ever heard people say that they tend to be more of a right-brain or left-brain thinker? From books to television programs, you've probably heard the phrase mentioned numerous times or perhaps you've even taken an online test to determine which type best describes you.
What Is Left Brain - Right Brain Theory?
According to the theory of left-brain or right-brain dominance, each side of the brain controls different types of thinking. Additionally, people are said to prefer one type of thinking over the other. For example, a person who is "left-brained" is often said to be more logical, analytical and objective, while a person who is "right-brained" is said to be more intuitive, thoughtful and subjective.
In psychology, the theory is based on what is known as the lateralization of brain function. So does one side of the brain really control specific functions? Are people either left-brained or right-brained? Like many popular psychology myths, this one has a basis in fact that has been dramatically distorted and exaggerated.
The right brain-left brain theory grew out of the work of Roger W. Sperry, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1981. While studying the effects of epilepsy, Sperry discovered that cutting the corpus collosum (the structure that connects the two hemispheres of the brain) could reduce or eliminate seizures.
However, these patients also experienced other symptoms after the communication pathway between the two sides of the brain was cut. For example, many split-brain patients found themselves unable to name objects that were processed by the right side of the brain, but were able to name objects that were processed by the left-side of the brain. Based on this information, Sperry suggested that language was controlled by the left-side of the brain.
Later research has shown that the brain is not nearly as dichotomous as once thought. For example, recent research has shown that abilities in subjects such as math are actually strongest when both halves of the brain work together.
The Right Brain
According to the left-brain, right-brain dominance theory, the right side of the brain is best at expressive and creative tasks. Some of the abilities that are popularly associated with the right side of the brain include:
- Recognizing faces
- Expressing emotions
- Music
- Reading emotions
- Color
- Images
- Intuition
- Creativity
The Left Brain
The left-side of the brain is considered to be adept at tasks that involve logic, language and analytical thinking. The left-brain is often described as being better at:
- Language
- Logic
- Critical thinking
- Numbers
- Reasoning
The Uses of Right-Brain, Left-Brain Theory
While often over-generalized and overstated by popular psychology and self-help texts, understanding your strengths and weaknesses in certain areas can help you develop better ways to learn and study. For example, students who have a difficult time following verbal instructions (often cited as a right-brain characteristic) can benefit from writing down directions and developing better organizational skills.
By Kendra Cherry, Guide
Monday, August 12, 2013
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
The Sophia Grace & Rosie Show
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
A true Bacolodnon ( only in bacolod City)
This funny guy is a comedian in his own ways. I cant help but to laugh at his jokes.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Mikee Cojuangco-Jaworski's Beauty Regimen
Mikee Cojuangco-Jaworski. A name we haven’t heard and a pretty face we haven’t seen in a while. For those who follow her on Twitter (and for those who haven’t, check her account now), it’s still quite a surprise that she looks exactly the same as she did in the 90s. No kidding! And here on Style Factor (not that we see time as the enemy) we always try to look for ways to stop the clock. We asked for Mikee’s two-cents worth on how she keeps herself youthful.
Her skincare regimen consists of two things: moisturizer and sunblock. “I just apply light moisturizer in the morning and at night. I use sunblock when I need to be out in the sun for a long period of time.” Mikee doesn’t experiment much on beauty products and stick to what works. “For my body, I pretty much only use virgin coconut oil.”
But the real secret to her youth lies in her family. “My three boys keep me youthful,” she says. She also still keeps an active lifestyle. She plays basketball and swims with her kids. She is also still an equestrian and an instructor to young girls. She believes that this is a great advantage to her in feeling young.
Mikee admits that she is afraid of aging but it’s the kind of fear that goes beyond the aesthetic. “More than anything, I am afraid not to be able to do the things I do.” Mikee may still look like she is in her 20s but she is wise beyond her years and understands that aging is a chance to grow old around the people she loves.
I remember my high school year seeing mikee. I feel like high school teenager again. Those were the days. She still look the same. I followed her in facebook. Everytime I saw her, I feel like young again.
Her skincare regimen consists of two things: moisturizer and sunblock. “I just apply light moisturizer in the morning and at night. I use sunblock when I need to be out in the sun for a long period of time.” Mikee doesn’t experiment much on beauty products and stick to what works. “For my body, I pretty much only use virgin coconut oil.”
But the real secret to her youth lies in her family. “My three boys keep me youthful,” she says. She also still keeps an active lifestyle. She plays basketball and swims with her kids. She is also still an equestrian and an instructor to young girls. She believes that this is a great advantage to her in feeling young.
Mikee admits that she is afraid of aging but it’s the kind of fear that goes beyond the aesthetic. “More than anything, I am afraid not to be able to do the things I do.” Mikee may still look like she is in her 20s but she is wise beyond her years and understands that aging is a chance to grow old around the people she loves.
I remember my high school year seeing mikee. I feel like high school teenager again. Those were the days. She still look the same. I followed her in facebook. Everytime I saw her, I feel like young again.
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Mikee Cojuangco-Jaworski sticks to what works for her skin: moisturizer and sunblock. |
Sharon Cuneta and Kris Aquino '87
I like seeing them together in their younger years. They are still the same and happy how Kris sings.
Friday, August 2, 2013
How to Drink Honey & Cinnamon Powder to Lose Weight
Honey and cinnamon are both purported to have many health benefits. Cinnamon has been credited for helping lower LDL, the bad cholesterol, and honey contains antioxidants, which protect cells from damage. The reason cinnamon and honey may promote weight loss is due to their involvement in digestion and metabolism. A study in France found that cinnamon improves the body's ability to process sugars. According to, honey is a prebiotic. These are nondigestible nutrients that are used as a food source by probiotics, healthy bacteria that aid in digestion.
Step 1
Boil 1 cup water.
Step 2
Place 1/2 tsp. cinnamon powder in a cup. Pour the water over the cinnamon. Allow to steep for 30 minutes.
Step 3
Once the mixture has cooled, add 1 tsp. honey. Use raw, unprocessed honey. Stir well.
Step 4
Drink the mixture twice daily, before breakfast and about 1/2 hour before you go to bed.
I'll try this recipe soon
Step 1
Boil 1 cup water.
Step 2
Place 1/2 tsp. cinnamon powder in a cup. Pour the water over the cinnamon. Allow to steep for 30 minutes.
Step 3
Once the mixture has cooled, add 1 tsp. honey. Use raw, unprocessed honey. Stir well.
Step 4
Drink the mixture twice daily, before breakfast and about 1/2 hour before you go to bed.
I'll try this recipe soon
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