Monday, November 25, 2013

Coconut Water Benefits for Skin

Coconut Water Benefits for Skin
Coconut is well-known for its health benefits and healing properties. Coconut is this one gift of nature that can benefit you by both internal and external application. In fact, consumption / application of coconut water can save you from various health related troubles. How? This is discussed as follows.
Do you know that the Hawaiians refer to coconut water as noelani, which means 'dews from the heavens'... and indeed, as you learn more about the benefits of coconut water, you will truly understand why they say so! The coconut has many religious aspects to it, especially in India. Sri Sathya Sai Baba, also quoted that "There is sweet water inside a tender coconut. Who poured the water inside the coconut? Was it the work of any man? No. Only the Divine can do such a thing." You would be surprised to know that in India, whenever a new endeavor takes place, a coconut is smashed to the ground so that its water leaks out. This is considered as a sign of success. Anyway, enough about the religious aspect. Coconut is a pool of natural blessings in itself. Not only its water, the oil, the milk, and even the meat of coconut is useful for various purposes. However, in this article we shall focus on the benefits of coconut water for your skin. This Buzzle article will tell you as to how you can rejuvenate your skin just using this naturally gifted solution which consists of the 'miracles of nature'.
Benefits of Coconut Water for Skin
They say beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder... however, when it comes to 'beholding' someone, your outer body is the one that helps form an opinion about you! Take your skin for example. A person with fresh, glowing, and flawless skin will always seem more healthy and beautiful than a person who is dealing with various skin issues. As a matter of fact, your face can also speak a lot about your inner health. For example, a pale and dull face may indicate low hemoglobin, or a dry skin may indicate dehydration! There are many skin issues like acne, pimples, dry skin, dark spots, that can lower your self-confidence in terms of appearance and looks. If you are tired of trying out those expensive cosmetics and medicines but still can't find a satisfactory solution to your skin problems, then relax and just go through the benefits of coconut water mentioned below.
Skin Hydration
Tired of the dull and dry skin? Looking for some natural glow and shine on your skin? If the answer to these questions is a definite yes, then all you need to do is apply some tender coconut water directly on your face. The coconut water has natural properties to hydrate your skin and give you the natural glow and smoothness that you always wanted. So stop spending on all those chemical based cosmetics and let nature take care of it all!
Boosts Oxygen Circulation
Do you know that half of the skin problems that you suffer from are because of the impurities that are deposited in your skin cells? This happens due to poor circulation of oxygen in the body. Each and every cell in the body needs an adequate amount of oxygen, which is possible only through proper blood circulation in the body as it is the blood that carries oxygen throughout the body. Coconut water is very effective in boosting proper circulation in the body, thereby allowing your skin to breathe a lot of healthy oxygen which in turn promotes a healthy and flawless skin.
Anti-aging Properties
Have you ever been to places where the main ingredient in food and drinks is coconut and coconut only? Well, if you ever get a chance to visit the Southern region of India, then you will find that these people consider coconut to be the ultimate source of health. I remember I once visited a small village in Kerala, South India, and met this lady who seemed to be around 35 years old. I was surprised to find out that she was actually 55 or more, and was a grandma of 3! This was the case with all the population, everyone seemed way younger than their real age. Could it be because of coconut water? Well, yes! Coconut water contains cytokinins, which is known for regulating the aging process of a person. It keeps your skin fresh, healthy, and prevents the sagging.
Natural Scar Eraser
I am sure most of us have this one scar on our body that we desperately want to get rid of! I mean, I have a horrible burn mark on my calf which makes me conscious when it comes to wearing shorts and skirts. But then, when I started applying coconut water on the mark I was surprised to see that within a month it faded away to a great extent! All you need to do is wash the scars, or acne marks too for that matter with coconut water at least three to four times daily. Also, do not wipe the excess water, let it dry naturally. Try this simple method and see guaranteed results!
Bye-Bye Sun Tan
I am a piscean who loves water. In fact, I can swim and spend an entire sunny day in the pool with my lime water. However, when I think of getting rid of the horrible sun tan afterward, I prefer skipping the plan at times. I mean one can always use a sunblock or sunscreen to prevent tanning, but then I remember reading that using sunblock can actually prevent the formation of vitamin D in the body, which by far is one of the most important vitamins that the body requires. So now, I know a better way to get rid of the sun tan, and allow vitamin D production as well! All you need to do is to apply a pack of coconut water mixed with Fuller's earth. Scrub it well and say bye-bye to sun tan!
Prevents Skin Infections
Another skin problem that most of us suffer from is skin infection, especially during the moist weathers like the monsoons. Coconut water has many healing, anti-viral, anti-microbial, and anti fungal properties which can keep the skin safe from infections. You can either apply it directly on skin, like a moisturizer, or you can mix it with your bath water. So now when the weather acts funny, just don't worry about skin infections.
No More Oily Skin
We have already discussed the benefits of coconut water for dry skin, but not only that, coconut water can actually prove to be a blessing for oily skin as well! It helps in washing away the excess oil of the skin and tones and cleanses the oily skin making it more even, smooth, and healthy. Now your skin won't shine because of the excess oil, it is the natural glow that will attract others towards you.
Coconut water is known as the 'fluid for life'. In Sanskrit, which is an ancient Indian language, the coconut tree is known as 'Kalpa Vriksha', which means 'tree which provides all that is necessary for a healthy living'. Coconut water is also known for its overall health oriented properties. It helps in controlling diabetes, obesity, and acid reflux diseases. Coconut water is known for increasing the metabolism of a person, which eventually helps in weight loss. I hope you will now try this immensely blessed gift of nature for all your skin problems and let go of all the products that you have been spending on in vain. Believe me, natural remedies are healthier and more effective in the long term as compared to chemical based products... and coconut water is definitely worth a try! So try it and stay naturally gorgeous!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wake me Up, I’m Thirty Seven

Wake me Up, I’m Thirty Seven

Treinta y Siete kana sa di-in kapa?
Indi na guid ma deny nga ikaw tigulang na
Ti ano karon? Daw ma hinulsol ka
Di bale tigulang basta gwapa.

Kon ikaw ang pamangkuton abi pagsabat na
Ano ang mas maayo treinta y seis nga nag ligad
Karun treinta siete na
Abaw indi! Thirty seven is the best
Because I’m going to finish my Thesis.

Paalam thirty six, I’m going to leave you
Madamo guid nga salamat sa mga memories mo
Some are good most are not so good
It’s alright, ti-on na sa pag-sugod.

Ay ahay, him-os na guid ako
Tu-od tu-od na guid ini kag indi damgo
Thirty six plus one equals thirty seven
Thank you Lord, I’m not yet in heaven.

Rise and shine, hooray for thirty seven!
I’m so excited I welcome you in
Don’t be so excited not today
For Thursday is my birthday!

Oct 3, 2012
12-45 am

 made this peom for Anne on her 37th Birthday...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Pickled Okra

Pickled okra - spicy or not - is a fabulous way to keep the distinctive grassy flavor of okra around well past its summer and fall season.
This recipe gives you the amount to prepare per pint jar - double, triple, quadruple this recipe based on how many pints of Pickled Okra you want to make.

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes


1/2 lb. okra
1 clove garlic, thinly sliced
1 chile pepper, fresh or dried or 1/4 tsp. red chile flakes (optional)
1/2 tsp. dill seeds
1 cup cider vinegar
1 1/2 tsp. pickling salt or 2 tsp. kosher salt
1 pint jar with two-part sealing lid

Stuff the okra, garlic, chile, and dill seeds into a clean pint jar.
Bring vinegar, 1 cup water, and salt to a boil. Ladle mixture over okra, leaving about 1/2 inch of headspace. Close the jars and process in a boiling water that covers the jar(s) by at least an inch for 15 minutes.
Store jar(s) in a cool, dry place for at least three weeks and up to six months before eating okra pickles.

Makes 1 pint Okra Pickles.

Okra is very abundant and sometimes it get spoil so I decided to look for an Okra recipe that will last and here it is. Pickled okra, I will try making this recipe this weekend.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

How Kris's son Josh lost over 90 lbs (Part 2)

How Kris's son Josh lost over 90 lbs (Part 1)

Kris, sons enjoy kimchi, bulgogi in Seoul


6 essential ingredients for a long, happy marriage

A good marriage starts with a spark that grows with careful attention to its needs. The following essential ingredients have been an important part of our almost 30 year marriage. Without them, I don’t think we could have managed the trials that have come and will continue to come our way.

Always hold hands — even when you’re at odds with each other

I remember the exhilaration I felt the first time my husband and I held hands. This simple gesture confirmed he loved me as much as I loved him.

After almost 30 years of marriage, we’re still holding hands. I love my husband more than the day we married and can’t imagine not having his hand in mine — in the car, during walks, watching a movie, when we pray, shopping and when and wherever we are.

Hold your spouse’s hand. It’ll warm your hearts.

Do what you can to look and feel good for yourself and your spouse

Remember dating? We picked out our best clothes and shoes. Every single hair was in place. We smelled great, looked great and felt great. And we did it all for our date. Then marriage and life stepped in and some of us let ourselves go.

I often think about this. I’m guilty of letting myself go. How do I know? I decided to take better care of my health. Statistically, based on our family genetics, I’m nearing the end of my life due to diabetes, heart disease and cancer. None of these have manifested in me, but to keep them away, I’ve decided to take better care of myself. You can follow this process at my blog.

I hadn’t realized the state of my body until I lost weight. In my mind I’m still in my 20s. I feel better, look better and, even though our marriage didn’t seem in any danger, my husband and I see and feel the difference. His, now, regular comments, once almost forgotten, have told me he likes the changes.

Plan a date with your spouse and take some time to get ready for it. You might feel 10 or 20 years younger.

Don’t point

Many times, when I berated my husband for his faults, I accomplished nothing but to anger him. He didn’t change and we were at odds. I began to wonder if I had made a mistake in marrying him. I didn’t want our marriage to end, but I didn’t know how to find the joy that belonged with our love.

A really good friend advised me to point the finger at myself. If I changed, he would change and, most likely, in the ways needed. I tried this and our marriage is stronger, tighter and more joyful. I also learned those little things that didn’t change are part of him and I discovered I didn’t want those parts lost to me.

Now, when I’m thinking about pointing, I remember when I point at him, my remaining fingers are pointing at me.


Kiss when you separate, when you meet, when you get home, before exiting the car — whenever it feels right. There is nothing as reassuring as the reminder of your spouse’s love through a kiss.

I remember our first kiss. I knew he loved me. I knew he was mine (I told him forever). I still know this. Even when it’s a quick peck as he leaves for work in the morning.

Always start and end with a kiss, even if it’s in public.

Have fun together

My husband is an automotive technician. I am an animal lover. He collects cars, I collect animals. It’s not been easy to see eye to eye in our collections. Over time I’ve grown to enjoy our car talks and the times he’s shown me how to fix them and he has fallen in love with most of the animals I’ve brought home.

As our children have grown older and we spend more time together outside the home, we’ve learned to enjoy nature together. Walks in the Everglades, trail rides in his Discovery, photography and walks along the beach. In the past these activities didn’t often involve both of us and the children. Now the children join as often as their schedules allow.

Check out your spouse’s hobbies and job. Look for things to do together and have fun. You may fall in love again.

I love you

Right along with always holding hands and kissing as often as possible is saying, thinking and writing on little notes, "I Love You."

My husband said these words to me while dating. I didn’t reply. He asked why and I told him I didn’t want to say, "I Love You," unless he knew what I meant. We discussed the meaning of these three important words. He learned when I say, "I Love You," I mean forever and not only for yesterday or today. I love him not only for the joy he has brought, but also for the challenges that have matured us and the growth we’ve done together and will continue in the future.

Consider adding these essential ingredients to your marriage. Discuss them with your spouse and you may strengthen and add years to your union.

Dennise Sleeper

I've been married for almost three-years now. These served as  reminders  for me. Simple yet effective to have a lasting happy marriage.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Health Benefits of Drinking Tomato Juice

Tomato is one of the most common and famous vegetable that can be grown even in the backyard. The small red tomatoes are useful in the kitchen and abound with many health benefits. There are many inspired tomato dishes that helps promote a healthy well being. Tomatoes can also be used as a sauce to many fried dishes. They are one of the usual ingredients in salads and in sandwiches.
A tomato when made as a juice is a healthy and nutritious drink too. It helps the body in many ways. They contain lycopene, lycopene in tomatoes are the ones responsible for giving this vegetable its red color. Tomatoes are said to have an antioxidant and cancer fighting properties. It also helps to protect the cells and other body organs from damages. The antioxidant in tomatoes delays the aging process and helps prevent age related diseases like diabetes and prevents the hardening of the arteries. The lycopene in tomatoes is said to be an effective tool to combat certain kinds of cancers which includes breast, lung and pancreatic cancer.
Drinking tomato juice daily will give the body ample vitamins and minerals which include vitamins A and C. Vitamins A & C strengthens the body’s immune system, it also improves the vision and prevents glaucoma and other ocular diseases. Vitamin A  and C also gives healthy bones and teeth. Tomato juice also helps prevents inflammation of the joints making this juice good for people who are suffering from arthritis.
Drinking tomato juice can also help in the prevention of high cholesterol. It is rich in fiber which helps break down bad cholesterol in the body. Tomato has niacin which helps stabilize body cholesterol.
The Vitamin B6 content of tomato juice helps prevent the blood vessel from being damage which usually is the cause of heart disease. It breaks down harmful molecules to protect blood clots. Regular intake of tomato juice will reduce the chances of heart attack. People who drink tomato juice regularly will reduce the risk of getting cancer, heart disease, bone diseases and other degenerative diseases. A glass of tomato juice a day is often recommended for people who are suffering from heart disease and people who are recovering from heart attacks. Tomato juice when taken helps to lower blood pressure because of the potassium it contains. Potassium is an essential mineral that the human body needs to reduce depression and body weakness. Low potassium can sometimes cause stomach ache and muscle cramps. Since tomatoes are rich in potassium, a glass a day helps prevent cramps and stomach ache.
Another surprising benefit of drinking tomato juice is its ability to aid in weight loss. Unknown to many, tomato juice is helpful in losing weight. Studies have found out that drinking tomato juice helps in weight loss. It flushes out the body’s toxin and helps shed that unwanted pounds quick. Tomato juice diet gives the body nutrients and calories which are essential for metabolic process. Tomatoes are low in sodium and high in dietary fiber that is an important factor for the body to properly function. Its fiber helps regulate bowel movement and prevents constipation. It keeps the liver healthy and functioning well. Since tomatoes are naturally rich in water, it helps the body hydrated even after strenuous exercise.
Tomato juice also helps in caring for the skin. It reduces acne and gets rid of pimple infection fast. Tomato juice helps in the prevention of skin breakout and helps prevents pimple and tightens skin pore. Since tomatoes are a good source of vitamin A, it is good for hair growth and helps keep hair strong and shiny.
Men who are fond of drinking tomato juice enjoy its good effects. It helps improve appetite and also aids in good digestion. Alcoholics and people recovering from alcohol hang over can drink tomato juice to get rid of its effects.
Diabetics can take tomato juice too because of its many nutritional properties. People who have kidney stones and gall stones should take it because it works as a natural antiseptic and helps the body to develop common infection like colds and flu. It is also good in the prevent diarrhea. To add to the many benefits tomato juice gives, it is also rich in Vitamin K, which is good in protecting the heart and the bones,  B1 converts blood sugar into energy,  B2 promotes growth, iron carries oxygen into the cells of the body. These vitamins and minerals are necessary for the human body to be healthy and to function well.
These benefits will work best if drinking tomato juice is done daily and over a period of time. Drinking tomato juice on a regular basis will pose no side effects even when they are taken in large quantity. Try it for yourself and see the results over time.

Left Brain vs Right Brain

Understanding the Myth and Reality of Left Brain and Right Brain Dominance

Have you ever heard people say that they tend to be more of a right-brain or left-brain thinker? From books to television programs, you've probably heard the phrase mentioned numerous times or perhaps you've even taken an online test to determine which type best describes you.

What Is Left Brain - Right Brain Theory?

According to the theory of left-brain or right-brain dominance, each side of the brain controls different types of thinking. Additionally, people are said to prefer one type of thinking over the other. For example, a person who is "left-brained" is often said to be more logical, analytical and objective, while a person who is "right-brained" is said to be more intuitive, thoughtful and subjective.
In psychology, the theory is based on what is known as the lateralization of brain function. So does one side of the brain really control specific functions? Are people either left-brained or right-brained? Like many popular psychology myths, this one has a basis in fact that has been dramatically distorted and exaggerated.
The right brain-left brain theory grew out of the work of Roger W. Sperry, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1981. While studying the effects of epilepsy, Sperry discovered that cutting the corpus collosum (the structure that connects the two hemispheres of the brain) could reduce or eliminate seizures.
However, these patients also experienced other symptoms after the communication pathway between the two sides of the brain was cut. For example, many split-brain patients found themselves unable to name objects that were processed by the right side of the brain, but were able to name objects that were processed by the left-side of the brain. Based on this information, Sperry suggested that language was controlled by the left-side of the brain.
Later research has shown that the brain is not nearly as dichotomous as once thought. For example, recent research has shown that abilities in subjects such as math are actually strongest when both halves of the brain work together.

The Right Brain

According to the left-brain, right-brain dominance theory, the right side of the brain is best at expressive and creative tasks. Some of the abilities that are popularly associated with the right side of the brain include:
  • Recognizing faces
  • Expressing emotions
  • Music
  • Reading emotions
  • Color
  • Images
  • Intuition
  • Creativity

The Left Brain

The left-side of the brain is considered to be adept at tasks that involve logic, language and analytical thinking. The left-brain is often described as being better at:
  • Language
  • Logic
  • Critical thinking
  • Numbers
  • Reasoning

The Uses of Right-Brain, Left-Brain Theory

While often over-generalized and overstated by popular psychology and self-help texts, understanding your strengths and weaknesses in certain areas can help you develop better ways to learn and study. For example, students who have a difficult time following verbal instructions (often cited as a right-brain characteristic) can benefit from writing down directions and developing better organizational skills.
By Kendra Cherry, Guide

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Mikee Cojuangco-Jaworski's Beauty Regimen

Mikee Cojuangco-Jaworski. A name we haven’t heard and a pretty face we haven’t seen in a while. For those who follow her on Twitter (and for those who haven’t, check her account now), it’s still quite a surprise that she looks exactly the same as she did in the 90s. No kidding! And here on Style Factor (not that we see time as the enemy) we always try to look for ways to stop the clock. We asked for Mikee’s two-cents worth on how she keeps herself youthful.

Her skincare regimen consists of two things: moisturizer and sunblock. “I just apply light moisturizer in the morning and at night. I use sunblock when I need to be out in the sun for a long period of time.” Mikee doesn’t experiment much on beauty products and stick to what works. “For my body, I pretty much only use virgin coconut oil.”

But the real secret to her youth lies in her family. “My three boys keep me youthful,” she says. She also still keeps an active lifestyle. She plays basketball and swims with her kids. She is also still an equestrian and an instructor to young girls. She believes that this is a great advantage to her in feeling young.

Mikee admits that she is afraid of aging but it’s the kind of fear that goes beyond the aesthetic. “More than anything, I am afraid not to be able to do the things I do.” Mikee may still look like she is in her 20s but she is wise beyond her years and understands that aging is a chance to grow old around the people she loves.

I remember my high school year seeing mikee. I feel like high school teenager again. Those were the days. She still look the same. I followed her in facebook. Everytime I saw her, I feel like young again.

Mikee Cojuangco-Jaworski sticks to what works for her skin: moisturizer and sunblock.

Sharon Cuneta and Kris Aquino '87

I like seeing them together in their younger years. They are still the same and happy how Kris sings.

Friday, August 2, 2013

How to Drink Honey & Cinnamon Powder to Lose Weight

Honey and cinnamon are both purported to have many health benefits. Cinnamon has been credited for helping lower LDL, the bad cholesterol, and honey contains antioxidants, which protect cells from damage. The reason cinnamon and honey may promote weight loss is due to their involvement in digestion and metabolism. A study in France found that cinnamon improves the body's ability to process sugars. According to, honey is a prebiotic. These are nondigestible nutrients that are used as a food source by probiotics, healthy bacteria that aid in digestion.

Step 1
Boil 1 cup water.

Step 2
Place 1/2 tsp. cinnamon powder in a cup. Pour the water over the cinnamon. Allow to steep for 30 minutes.

Step 3
Once the mixture has cooled, add 1 tsp. honey. Use raw, unprocessed honey. Stir well.

Step 4
Drink the mixture twice daily, before breakfast and about 1/2 hour before you go to bed.

I'll try this recipe soon

Thursday, July 25, 2013

POcoyo Birthday Theme Elijah at 2

Birthday Tarpaulin

My two-year-old son is crazy over Pocoyo so I decided to make him a Pocoyo theme party though simple, I want him to be happy
Party Invitation


The Ryzza Mae Show - w/ Veteran Actress Celia Rodriguez Part 2 (July 26,...

I'm so happy watching this episode, New face of Celia Rodriguez she loves children than adult, the soft side.

10 Things Every Marriage Needs

1. Open Communication
Marriage is sometimes difficult - don't compound it by keeping secrets. Tell each other everything and your relationship will show the results.

2. Teamwork
Working together is a part of any successful marriage. However you need to, carry the load equally.

3.Focus on Spirituality
Stay focused on what matters by praying, studying, and learning together.

4. The Same Goal
While you may have different interests, you need the same goals. Kids? Where you want to live? How much you want to travel? This is where you need to be on the same page.

5. A Clean Home
It is undeniable that having a nice place to spend your time will increase happiness and keep your relationship strong. Work together to keep your place nice and it will ease your stress!

6. Budgetting
One of the biggest mistakes couples can make is not keeping up with their money. Budget together and keep the power out of just one person's hands, and money won't stress you out!

7. Time Alone
While it's always fun together, taking a little time alone can make your time together that much sweeter.

8. Sex
Yeah, I wrote it. Physical intimacy is an important part of any marital relationship. Be on the same page about it, but always keep the passion alive.

9. Others
Having good friendships and good relationships with family is essential for a good marriage. They can give you fun times, good advice, and a lot to think about.

10. Love
The most important ingredient in any marriage is simple - love. If you love each other selflessly everything else will fall into place.


How to use Baking Soda in 75 Different Ways


1. Use it as an antacid.
2. Use it as underarm deodorant by applying it with a powder puff.
3. Mix half a teaspoon with peroxide paste and use it as toothpaste.
4. Use it as a face and body scrub.
5. Add a cup to bathwater to soften your skin.
6. Relieve skin itch from insect bites and pain from sunburn.
7. Remove strong odors from your hands by rubbing them with baking soda and water.
8. Put two tablespoons in your baby’s bathwater to help relieve diaper rash.
9. Apply it on rashes, insect bites, and poison ivy irritations.
10. Take a baking soda bath to relieve skin irritations.
11. Heartburn? Take a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with one-half glass of water.
12. Freshen your mouth by gargling half a teaspoon of baking soda mixed water.
13. Relieve canker sore pain by using it as mouthwash.
14. Use it to relieve bee stings.
15. Use it to relieve windburns.
16. Apply it on jellyfish sting to draw out the venom.
17. Unblock stuffy nose by adding a teaspoon of baking soda to your vaporizer.


18. Keep cut flowers fresh longer by adding a teaspoon to the water in the vase.
19. Put out small fires on rugs, upholstery, clothing, and wood.
20. Put an open container of baking soda in the fridge to absorb the odors.
21. Sprinkle it on your ashtrays to reduce bad odor and prevent smoldering.
22. Sprinkle it on your slippers, boots, shoes, and socks to eliminate foul odor.
23. Turn baking soda into modeling clay by combining it with one and 1/4 cups of water and one cup of cOrnstarch.
24. After feeding your baby, wipe his shirt with a moist cloth sprinkled with baking soda to remove the odor.
25. Wipe your windshield with it to repel rain.
26. Improve the smell of dishrags by soaking them in baking soda and water.
27. Suck it in with your vacuum cleaner to remove the odor.
28. Freshen the air by mixing baking soda with your favorite perfumed bath salts. Put the mixture in small sachet bags.
29. Restore stiff brushes by boiling them in a solution of 1/2 gallon of water, 1/4 cup of vinegar, and a cup of baking soda.
30. Put it under sinks and along basement windows to repel cockroaches and ants.
31. Scatter baking soda around flowerbeds to prevent rabbits from eating your veggies.
32. Sweeten your tomatoes by sprinkling baking soda on the soil around your tomato plants.
33. Sprinkle it onto your cat’s litter box to absorb the bad odor.
34. Sprinkle it on your pet’s comb or brush to deodorize their fur and skin.


35. Use it as a substitute for baking powder by mixing with it with cream of tartar or vinegar.
36. Wash fruits and vegetables with it.
37. When boiling a chicken, add a teaspoon of baking soda to the water. Feathers will come off easier, and the flesh will be clean and white.
38. Soak dried beans to a baking soda solution to make them more digestible.
39. Remove the distinctive taste of wild game by soaking it in a baking soda solution.
40. Make a sports drink by mixing it with boiled water, salt, and Kool-Aid.
41. Remove the fishy smell from your fillets by soaking the raw fish in a baking soda solution for an hour inside the fridge.
42. Make fluffier omelets by adding half a teaspoon of baking soda for every three eggs used.
43. Reduce the acid content of your tomato-based recipes by sprinkling them with a pinch of baking soda.


44. Add a cup to the toilet, leave it for an hour, and then flush. It will clean the toilet and absorb the odor.
45. Use it to scrub sinks, showers, plastic and porcelain tubs
46. Spray it on walls, mirrors, and countertops.
47. Add a spoonful to your dishwasher to make scrubbing dishes easier.
48. Remove grease from pots and pans.
49. Dry clean carpets and upholstered furniture by sprinkling baking soda over the fabric and gently brushing it. Leave it for an hour or overnight, then vacuum.
50. Boost your laundry detergent’s cleaning power by sprinkling a handful on dirty clothes.
51. Combine it with water to make a paste for polishing stainless steel and chrome.
52. Remove scratches and crayon marks from vinyl floors and walls.
53. Clean your shoes with it.
54. Clean garbage cans with it.
55. Use it to wash diapers.
56. Clean the fridge with it.
57. Soak brushes and combs in a baking soda solution.
58. Mix it with water to wash food and drink containers.
59. Put three tablespoons of baking soda to a quart of warm water, then use the mixture to wash marble-topped furniture.
60. Absorb it with a damp sponge, then clean Formica countertops with the sponge.
61. Use it to get rid of stale odors from cooling containers and thermos bottles.
62. Run your coffee maker with a baking soda solution, then rinse.
63. Combine with hot water to clean baby bottles.
64. Sprinkle it on barbecue grills, then rinse it off.
65. Scatter it on your greasy garage floor, scrub the floor, and rinse.
66. Remove burned-on food from a pan by soaking it in a baking soda solution for 10 minutes before washing.
67. Clean your ashtrays with a baking soda solution.
68. Keep your drains clean by putting four tablespoons of baking soda in them each week. Flush it down with hot water.
69. Clean your shower curtains by soaking them in baking soda and water.
70. Put it on a small brush to rub canvas handbags clean.
71. Use it to remove melted plastic bread wrapper from a toaster. Sprinkle baking soda on a damp rug, then use the rug to clean the toaster.
72. Use it to clean your retainers and dentures.
73. Make a thick paste of baking soda and water, and used it to scrub enameled cast iron and stainless steel.
74. Mix four tablespoons of baking soda with a quart of warm water, and use it to clean the inside part of an oven.
75. Use it to unclog gas stoves.

The most amazing thing about baking soda is that it’s very cheap. You can do all these things for a very small cost. Baking soda is truly a miracle product, whether it’s used for baking or not.

GN: Amazing balat ng Saging!

super amazing banana feel

Sunday, July 21, 2013

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Who doesn’t love a sprinkling of cinnamon on fresh apple pie or atop a chai latte?  It’s just one of those spices that tastes fantastic.  But taste is not the only reason to love cinnamon.  Here are 10 health reasons (plus an extra reason) to love this super spice:

1. Numerous studies show that cinnamon regulates blood sugar, making it a great choice for diabetics and hypoglycemics alike.  That’s also great news for anyone who wants stable energy levels and moods.

2. It reduces LDL cholesterol levels.  LDL is also known as the harmful cholesterol.  Reducing it may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

3. It has natural anti-infectious compounds.  In studies, cinnamon has been effective against ulcer-causing H. pylori bacteria and other pathogens.
Vegan Cinnamon Rolls and Pastries

4. It reduces pain linked to arthritis.  Cinnamon has been shown in studies at the Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Korean Hospital, to reduce cytokines linked to arthritic pain.

5. Research at the University of Texas, published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer, shows that cinnamon may reduce the proliferation of cancer cells, holding promise for cancer prevention and sufferers of the disease.

6. It is a natural food preservative.

7. It contains fiber, calcium, iron, and manganese—albeit small amounts to the typical dose of ground cinnamon.

8.  It’s been proven effective for menstrual pain and 9. infertility.  Cinnamon contains a natural chemical called cinnamaldehyde, which studies show increases the hormone progesterone and decreases testosterone production in women, helping to balance hormones.

9 Cinnamon holds promise for various neurodegenerative diseases, including: Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, brain tumor, and meningitis, according to research at the Cytokine Research Laboratory, Department of Experimental Therapeutics, The University of Texas.  Their research shows that cinnamon reduces chronic inflammation linked with these neurological disorders.

10  Not a health benefit, but a great reason to love cinnamon, it’s versatile.  It works with sweet and savory dishes alike.  Consider that many curries and savory Moroccan dishes include cinnamon.  It’s not just for apples anymore.

I like cinnamon in loaf bread especially in the morning

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Reasons to Smile in Bacolod

Found this very nice video on facebook its worth sharing for our miga and migo out there.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Science of Acupuncture _ BBC Documentary _ Traditional Chinese Medicine

Yes, I am a believer of acupuncture, I believe so in its healing powers, I tried it so many times. When its booming in Europe and so here in the Philippines. Lets disseminate the goodness and wellness of acupuncture.

Acupuncture for Weight Loss: I lost 24kg in 5 months!

I believed so, its very possible, I've tried acupuncture for easy delivery when I was pregnant and yes it happened I delivered my son in a natural labor. Maybe its time for me to try acupuncture for weight loss.

THE RYZZA MAE SHOW (Part 2) with Jennifer Sevilla July 3, 2013 Eat Bulag...

Super excited to wear the wigs

THE RYZZA MAE SHOW (Part 1) with Jennifer Sevilla July 3, 2013 Eat Bulag...

Sobrang tawo ko dito sa episode na ito.

Parenting style ni Christine Jacob-Sandejas

Christine Jacob still look the same, learning so much from her. I want to have five kids also, I want a big and boisterous family.

The Ryzza Mae Show Part 2(with CHRISTIAN BAUTISTA) - June 19, 2013 (Wedn...

The Ryzza Mae Show (with SHAMCEY SUPSUP) Part 1 (June 10, 2013)

The Ryzza Mae Show (with MARTIN NIEVERA) Part 1- June 17, 2013 (Monday)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Sunday, June 30, 2013


so like this episode want to try cooking the mac and cheese.

RYZZA MAE SHOW EPISODE 58 with Niño Mulach

Super happy with this episode of the Ryzza Mae show

What Makes Pink Cry And Who Is Her Celebrity Crush! - The Dirt TV

I like her music, wit, humor and as a mother. She's so spontaneous and she's my idol. Good luck pink!

Willow Sage Hart - Perfect

Made a wrong turn, Once or twice
Dug my way out, Blood and fire
Bad decisions, That's alright
Welcome to my silly life

Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood
Miss "no way, it's all good", It didn't slow me down
Mistaken, Always second guessing
Under estimated, Look, I'm still around

Pretty, pretty please
Don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than perfect.
Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothing
You are perfect to me.

You're so mean,
When you talk, About yourself, You were wrong.
Change the voices, In your head
Make them like you Instead.

So complicated,
Look happy, You'll make it!
Filled with so much hatred
Such a tired game.
It's enough, I've done all I can think of
Chased down all my demons, I've seen you do the same.

Oh, Pretty, pretty please
Don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than less than perfect.
[ From: ]
Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothing
You are perfect to me.

The whole world stares so I swallow the fear,
The only thing I should be drinking is an ice cold beer. So cool in line and we try, try, try,
But we try too hard, it's a waste of my time.
Done looking for the critics, cause they're everywhere
They don't like my jeans, they don't get my hair
We change ourselves and we do it all the time

Why do we do that? Why do I do that?
(Why do I do that?)

[Yeah~, Ohh~ pretty pretty please, Ohh~]

Pretty, pretty please
Don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than less than perfect.
Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothing
You are perfect to me.

You're perfect, You're perfect
Pretty, pretty please
Don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than less than perfect.
Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothing
You are perfect to me.

Every mothers wish for their children so like the music.

Don't Give up

When about to give up, think of these people. Learn from your mistakes and don't lose hopes.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Miracle Drink — Apple, Beetroot & Carrot Juice

Juice prepared from apple, beetroot and carrot has gained the name of being miracle drink due to the innumerable advantages which can be benefited from both brain and body. The name this drink has acquired is all due to the several advantages, this was discovered by Chinese Herbalists who have found this to be helpful in treatment of lung cancer and several other diseases.

The magical benefits this drink gives has helped this drink in becoming popular throughout the nation for which there is a need only to get apples, carrots and beetroots all of which have to be put in a juicer to extract juice from them but will not have to be stored instead should be consumed immediately after it is prepared.

There is no need to follow some strict quantities to prepare this juice instead it can be prepared as per the taste which might even require addition of either more carrots or apples, for those who want best out of this juice should mix equal quantities of these ingredients to which lime juice can be added making it better option than sugar.
This juice is so nutritious only due to the presence of two vegetables and one fruit which is full of several lifesaving antioxidants, apple is full of Vitamins like A, B1, B2, B6, C, E and K along with nutrients like Folate, Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Sodium and Iron. While carrots are known to have vitamins like A, B1, B2, B3, C, E and K along with Niacin and Pantothenic Acid supported by minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium and Selenium. Maximum advantage can be gained from carrots in their juice form rather than the vegetable eaten directly.

Beetroot is a vegetable which is known to help the heart in prevention of any cardiovascular diseases which are full of nutrients like Vitamin A, C, B-complex, iron, copper, magnesium and potassium along with several anti-aging agents.

Combination of these three is enough to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients to keep the body going throughout the day apart from which they also are known to provide long lasting benefits to the body health. Some of the advantages which can be gained from this juice include:
1.    This drink few years ago was suggested to those who have been suffering from lung cancer for which it is necessary to drink this for 3 months continuously after which it has been found that they have completely healed from this life taking disease. This drink is not just limited to lung cancer but also is known to treat all types of cancer by restricting the growth of cells which can lead to cancer.
2.    This juice is known to be perfect choice for development of various organ’s health like kidney, liver and pancreas saving them from various problems which also helps in strengthening of heart and lungs.
3.    It is already known that this miracle drink consists of beetroot which is known to look after the health of heart along with presence of carrot which is known to help in promotion of heart health with compounds like alpha and beta carotenes and lutein. When all the goodness from these both vegetables is mixed with apple aids in keeping the cholesterol levels down and having a control on the blood pressure also acting like a shield in front of heart from diseases.
4.    There are many who state that this miracle drink will also help in keeping the skin without any spots, pimples and also extending the time during which the skin keeps on ageing. Younger and fresh skin that is dream of many can be easily acquired by one glass of this miracle drink daily.
5.    This juice is also said to improve the entire digestive system in the body that protects stomach health saving it from ulcers, controlling the bowel movements and relieving chronic constipation.
6.    This is the best drink which will help in providing brain with all the necessary nutrients which in turn increases the memory and helps in proper functioning of brain.
7.    This works great even for the eyes and is suggestible exclusively for those who are forced to work on computer for several hours which might result in drying up of eyes, irritation and tiredness.
8.    This juice also works great in enhancing the immunity system at the same time safeguarding the body from different types of allergies, this works even in curing any sort of throat infections.
9.    This miracle drink is also known to detoxify the liver and blood purification thereby helping in increment of red blood cells production.
10.  Women suffering with too much pain during menstrual cycle can also go with this drink since it is known to relieve from any such pains and cramps apart from this it is said to relieve pain from any sort of activities which might also include physical activities.
11.  This is also said to work wonders for those who are looking to lose some weight at the same time giving necessary energy without putting on additional calories.
In order to get maximum benefit from this miracle drink it is suggested to take it on empty stomach that too early in the morning and one hour after its consumption people can go ahead with their regular breakfast. But this does not have to be restricted only once but can even be take twice every day in the evening before 5 pm which may change from one person to another.

This drink can be taken for one month continuously or even 3 months for this drink to work effectively  making it part of diet to get benefit for longer duration.

7 Foods that Prevent Gout

Individual with gout

There are very few who are aware that increased levels of uric acid levels will have negative effects which will result in Gout that is intricate form of Arthritis. The process in which this forms is whenever there is increase of uric acid levels in our blood it will result in formation of needle shaped crystal in the tissues which connect joints and finally result in pain that is result of unbearable arthritis that is referred to as gout.

It has been found that this problem prevails mainly among the middle aged men who are likely to develop this gout more than the women, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) has informed that gout grows in 4 different stages which are given below:

Asymptomatic gout:
There is no need for treatment during this stage since the levels of uric acid only are slightly increasing without any signs of it being easily visible.

Acute gouty arthritis:
This is often referred to as Hyperuricemia during which crystals are formed in the joints for which symptoms include pain and inflammation in joints however they also do not need any treatments since they are said to lessen within only three to ten days.

Interval gout:
There is no pain in this stage which happens in some sharp joint pains and in normal working of joints.
Chronic tophaceous gout:

This is the most critical stage which happens after it has been several years from when first stage of gout has happened and in this stage there will be permanent harm done to the joints with a possibility to even spread this damage to the kidneys.

Some of the common symptoms which help in identifying gout include too much pain, redness and joints swelling which usually include the big toe joint which is commonly affected. One of the best methods in which gout can be avoided includes keeping a control on the diet and keep check on the increase in uric acid levels in the body.

Our body has natural substance named purines which when are divided form uric acid, there are also foods which have purines which have to be avoided in order to have check on the uric acid being produced in the body.

The American Medical Association has suggested some foods for all those who are suffering from gout which include:
Complex carbohydrates with richness of fiber which is possible through whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables.
Go with foods which have lesser protein which can be gained from lean meat, poultry and soy.
Care has to be taken to take in only 30% of the fats of which 10% should be animal fat.

Foods to help in prevention of gout: 

There is an enzyme named bromelain which is known to have anti-inflammatory properties hence it can be made part of the diet which will help in relieving the pain which is one of the symptoms for gout.

Any inflammation which is result of uric acid can be reduced with the compounds which are present in ginger.

It is known that it is one Indian herb which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties hence it is suggested to make this part of diet daily.

Cherry juice:
Gout problems can be resolved taking in lots of fresh fruits which specially includes cherries that is known to lessen the uric acid which further decreases the chances of gout from attacking the body.

This fruit is known to have lesser sugar content and higher potassium levels being alkaline thereby making it one of the best foods to prevent gout. Any symptoms of gout can be fought with higher levels of potassium present in this fruit by breaking down the crystal which is made by the uric acid also ensuring that they are sent out of the body.

Low fat milk products:
Excessive consumption of low fat dairy products like milk and yogurt are known to lessen the risk of causing gout problems by nearly half exclusively in men. Hence it is suggested by experts that nearly 16 to 24 oz fluids have to be sufficient for those who want to get their gout problems treated.

It has enough amounts of vitamins and minerals which are found to helpful for kidney by removing additional amount of uric acid from the body.

There are many who think medicine to be cure for several problems however if changes are made in diet along with lifestyle it will also help in controlling body weight for which alcohol has to be keep at distance and water has to be consumed in increased amounts in order to treat any initial stages of gout by sending out too much uric acid from the body.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Alyssa Milano Goes Braless for Maxim Cover

Alyssa Milano
40 year old actress

She doesn't look forty years old to my eyes. How I wish I look like this figure when I reach my 40's.

How Did You Know - Aiza Seguerra

I remember somebody who used to like this song very much. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Christina Perri - A Thousand Years (Piano/Cello Cover) - ThePianoGuys

So romantic kind of music it make dance like its my last dance














I thought bullying is just pushing, or taking someones things but bullying comes in many ways.

My Husband's Lover (teleserye GMA)

The Cast
Maybe the network is happy right now because they are trending on yahoo. But for me they are funny, why people insisting what they want? They think abnormal is normal, the wrong they made it right. How skewed? Please don't make things complicated its simple boy for girl and girl for boy easy. Still they need to be respected okay but please don't  influence everybody.

Yes, Jackie Chan isn't dead

Action superstar Jackie Chan recently turned to Facebook to put to rest once and for all, reports of his supposed fatal accident.
As reported on International Business Times, last week, the actor became the latest celebrity victimised by death hoaxers on the social network when a page entitled "R.I.P. Jackie Chan" was created on Facebook, with a post saying, "At about 11am on Wednesday, our beloved actor Jackie Chan passed away. Jackie Chan was born on April 7, 1954 in Hong Kong. He will be missed but not forgotten."
HE IS NOT DEAD! I believed he will have  long life because he very generous person. Imagine the people waiting for his help. Mabuhay Jackie Chan!